Vital Strategies
Instagram Upgrade
Vital Strategies initially grew their social presence with professionals in mind, focusing on LinkedIn and Twitter followers as opposed to platforms like Instagram and Facebook. As a result, getting Instagram off the ground has been less of a priority and how the brand exists on social had not been established. In the summer of 2021, I was tasked with starting to think through how Vital Strategies' Instagram could be more strategic in its styling and how it could begin to better utilize Stories.
Role + Responsibilities
Lead Freelance Designer
Social Media Design + Templates
Instagram: @vitalstrategies
The easiest way to upgrade Vitals’ visual strategy on Instagram was to identify what content goes up frequently, and then establish a templated system so that when a user sees the layout or the color they know what type of update to expect at a glance. The initial suite of content identified included: Press, News Mentions, CEO Commentary, Hiring, and Blogs. The system was created for Stories and Posts, and then built on Canva as templates for the social media team to use.